Dr. Kazuhiro Ohkawa

Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, KAUST


Kazuhiro Ohkawa is a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) and Principal Investigator of the Energy Conversion Devices and Materials (ECO Devices) Laboratory. His research projects are energy-saving devices such as LEDs and laser diodes. His keys are the original MOVPE technology and material science.


All sessions by Dr. Kazuhiro Ohkawa

InGaN-based red micro-LEDs prepared by MOCVD and hydrogen passivation method
11:50 AM
Dr. Kazuhiro Ohkawa

Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, KAUST

12:05 PM
Dr. Steven DenBaars

US NAE, Distinguished Professor, UC Santa Barbara

Dr. Hao-Chung Kuo

Head of Foxconn Semiconductor Research Chair Professor, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University

Dr. Kazuhiro Ohkawa

Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, KAUST
